Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Beautifully Depressed

I hate to admit it, but I was actually relived to read that even fashionistas sometimes "fall apart." They may be featured in Vogue but they have bad days just like me. Unfortunately, our similarities seem to end there. When Liz of Late Afternoon has a bad day she takes pictures around her apartment during "a lazy Sunday."

A chair covered in lace.

A stack of her favorite diversions.

Her beautiful tousled mane.

Ummm, I wasn't depressed until I started looking at her gorgeous images. How can her life be so bad when she can call other fabulously dressed friends on her pretty, vintage telephone? Not even on my brightest Sunday has my world ever looked so lux. Trying to prove myself wrong I decided to try to copy her images. Here's what "falling apart" looks like in my apartment.

A chair covered in lace.

A stack of my favorite diversions.

My beautiful tousled mane

Maybe we're not so different after all.


  1. ha! I think the similarities are striking.

  2. I think you are very very attractive.
    Not a stalker, just a long time admirer.
